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I've rounded up some pretty things for the holidays that I would totally have on my wish list! As I've mentioned before, I'm not much of a big gift person for Christmas and tend to keep it pretty low key. So, with that in mind everything I've shared is under $100! Truly, I think everything is essentially under $75 - which is fabulous, both for the person you're gifting and for your wallet!
I picked these items with the idea in mind that these could be for a gal pal, girlfriend, sister, co-worker, etc. I love cute, pink, sparkly, and cozy anything so I hope you guys do too!
| Gift Ideas for the Beauty Lover |
For the beauty lover in your life here are some fun gift ideas that'll make her heart swoon! As a rule of thumb, I'm always one to throw in a Starbucks gift card between $10 - $25 to help spruce things up depending on who the gift is for and your budget!
| Cozy Presents to Lounge in Year Round |
I'm a huge fan of comfy, cozy lounge-wear and hopefully I'm not alone when I say I LOVE receiving stuff like this no matter the occasion. I live in it, so I know it'll get put to good use and what's better than feeling cute around the house?!
| Pretty Little Things + Knick Knacks|
These may seem a bit random, but they're fun and and general girly things that everyone loves. Again, going back to budget and who you're gifting I think pairing any of these items with one of the beauty picks I've shared, or a Starbs gift card would be the perfect touch that'll put a smile on any girls face! For the travel tags, I thought it would be really cute paired with Patchology "On The Fly" kit I shared above for the babe who's always on the go in your life.
Thanks for checking out my picks for this holiday season! Hopefully you found a thing or two that caught your eye, or that you know will catch the person who's receiving it. Happy Shopping, beauties!